Expert Tutoring at IU

The math for accounting isn't too hard - it's just adding, subtracting, and multiplying. However, there are some tricky conceptual questions, and the homeworks and exams require you to keep a lot in your head at once. Get things sorted out with one of our expert tutors.

We currently have tutors available for:

BUS A100
Basic Accounting Skills
BUS A200
Foundations of Accounting
BUS A205
Introduction To Financial Accounting (Honors)
BUS A207
Intro to Managerial Accounting- Honors
BUS A304
Financial Reporting & Analysis
BUS A306
Management Accounting & Analysis
BUS A310
Management Decisions and Financial Reporting
BUS A311
Intermediate Accounting 1
BUS A312
Intermediate Accounting II
BUS A324
Management Accounting for Finance Professionals
BUS A325
Cost Accounting
BUS A327
Tax Analysis
BUS A329
Taxes and Decision Making
BUS A437
Advanced Management Accounting
BUS B200
Fundamentals of Accounting
Financial Management